
What Are Scones, Anyway? 

Scones are a type of quick bread that originated in the UK. They’re tender and slightly flaky in texture, and can be made sweet or savory. Scones are traditionally made with just flour, liquid (usually milk or cream), a leavening agent (like baking powder), eggs, and a type of fat (typically butter). 

Tips for Making Scones

Have you ever made scones? If not, before you check out any recipes you’ll want to read about my tips for cutting butter into flour – something that you’ll need to know how to do for any of these recipes. After mastering that skill, try some of these scone recipes.

Make Your Own!

Once you are confident with the method for making scones, they really are not that difficult. You can also try tweaking my Master Scone Recipe (+ Flavor Variations!) to come up with tall sorts of scone recipe variations

Favorite Scone Recipes

If I had to recommend one or two, I’d choose Lemon Blueberry Scones or Cranberry Orange Scones, but there are tons of scone recipes to choose from below!