Great Food Books
I read this one last summer. Love how it was so full of information, but entertaining too. Includes lots of great recipes for each season, plus fun commentary on how this family survived a year on only eating local or home grown foods.
The Flavor Bible: The Essential Guide to Culinary Creativity, Based on the Wisdom of America’s Most Imaginative Chefs: by Karen Page and Andrew Dornenburg
Just received this last week. So far looks to be a great reference for inspiring delicious flavor combinations. So far I’ve only explored the “Flavor Matchmaking” section of the book. Also includes Learning to Recognize the Language of Food and Communicating Via the Language of Food.
The New Best Recipe: All-New Edition: by Cook’s Illustrated Magazine
I reference this time and time again. I haven’t had a recipe fail on me yet. Love all the information for each recipe’s testing process – the hows and whys of what works and what doesn’t and how the testers got to their version of the “best recipe.” Highly recommend!
The School of Essential Ingredients: by Erica Bauermeister
How I am loving this and don’t want it to end! I’ve been reading it for about a month because I am trying to savor it. Normally I could finish a book like this in just a few days. Love the rich story lines. Don’t want to spoil anything.
Have you found a great cookbook, food reference book, or food novel? What was it?
Katie @ goodLife {eats} says
Maria – Food Matters sounds really interesting! I’m going to see if the library has that.Alison – how fun! I would love to hear more about your book club meeting and what everyone brought. I’m honored that you used a recipe from my blog!Laura Lou – it is well worth the wait! There is lots of stuff on their website animalvegetablemiracle.com to check out during your wait.Laura [What I Like] – I think I have that one marked to try. Sounds so good!Paula Pereira – I read that too. My favorite was the Italy section.The Happy Housewife – they have a great website too. animalvegetablemiracle.com
The Happy Housewife says
I really want to read Animal, Vegetable, Miracle. I forgot about it until I saw your list. Going to put it on hold at my library right now before I forget again!Toni
Paula Pereira says
I really loved eat, Pray, love by Elizabeth Gilberth:)
Laura [What I Like] says
That Cook’s Illustrated book is phenomenal…may I recommend that Belgian Beef Stew? I think it’s called Carbonnade Flamade? Absolutely delicious.
Laura Lou says
I’m, like, 2099567 in line for Animal, Vegetable, Miracle at the library!!
Alison says
I just finished The School of Essential Ingredients and loved it. At our book club last night, we had a dinner with our own essential ingreidents and I made your marinara sauce. It was a hit!
Mixing Bowl Mama says
I just stumbled upon your blog via Design Mom and it’s really lovely!
Lynn says
I love the best recipe cookbook. I have the old version and use it all the time.
Maria says
I loved the School of Essential Ingredients. It was so good!! I liked Food Matters. I am also loving the cookbooks Baked and Giada’s newest book. I check out cookbooks every week from the library so I could go on and on, but I will save you and just stop now:)